The EcoSocialist working group has been built up with the goals of effectively running ambitious campaigns, limiting burnout among leadership and encouraging democratic participation accessible to more than a small in-group of top membership. Our current structure reflects the lessons we have learned over several years of running large campaigns.
The working group leadership structure is composed of three main parts:
The Organizing Committee (OC) is the primary decision making body of the working group. It is in charge of the day-to-day operations of the working group and voting on specific positions such as representatives to DSA bodies, Strategy Committee membership and Steering Committee membership.
The OC primarily makes decisions at weekly strategy meetings, which are coordinated by the strategy committee. Quorum for decision making at these meetings is defined as half of all committee co-chairs and at least 15 OC members total. While the OC votes on most decisions, big decisions such as running new campaigns will require general membership voting at specified general meetings.
The OC has been constructed to include a significant portion of the working group in order to ensure decisions are made democratically. Currently, the OC includes:
The OC may also vote on additional members who do not meet this criteria to be added to the OC.
The Steering Committee (SC) is composed of one co-chair from each committee as well as 3-4 additional members appointed directly by the OC. The SC is not primarily a decision making body, instead it is tasked with making sure the working group is functioning smoothly. The SCs responsibilities include:
SC members serve for 6-month terms, with a 2-term (1 year) limit.
The Strategy Committee is in charge of setting agendas for weekly OC strategy meetings, reviewing campaign progress and general coordination.
Similar to the SC, the Strategy Committee is primarily not a decision making body and is instead largely in charge of administrative work and oversight. The main purpose of the strategy meeting is to run strategy meetings and collect strategic options to be presented to the working group. The Strategy Committee also monitors campaign progress and facilitates communication between the NYC DSA EcoSocialist Working Group and the national Green New Deal Campaign Committee.
Strategy Committee members are always considered co-chairs, and serve for 6-month terms, with a 2-term (1 year) limit.
The working group is divided into 5 primary committees:
The committee system emerged as a way to address the needs of the working group while running campaigns, and each committee is tasked with bottom lining a specific portion of necessary campaign work.
Committees are run by Co-Chairs and Coordinators. Co-Chairs are the primary leadership of committees and in charge of setting goals, committee strategy, general oversight and appointing Coordinators. Coordinator responsibilities vary between committees but generally involve leading projects and developing membership.
Committee Co-Chairs are elected and serve for 6-month terms, with a 2-term (1 year) limit.
While committees are important to the working group, it should be stressed that participating in committee membership is not a requirement for participation. However, given the structure of the working group, committee involvement is the easiest way to advance within the working group.
Onboarding is the ‘inward face’ of the working group. It’s primary responsibility is member development, and to this end it is in charge of internal communications, hosting socials and reaching out to new members.
While co-chairs are tasked with strategic work, coordinators are in charge of ensuring new member reach outs happen and training onboarding committee membership.
The Onboarding committee houses the mobilizer program, essentially a buddy system for new members. Mobilizers are essentially internal organizers tasked with building relationships with and developing up to 6-8 members at a time.
The program is overseen by committee co-chairs and mobilizer coordinators, who are also in charge of training and recruiting new mobilizers.
The Field committee is in charge of running and planning our ground work such as phonebanks, canvasses, tabling, etc.
For More Info: Field Committee Structure
The Field committee is also home to our current base building efforts, led by our Basebuilding team. This team is new so exact responsibilities/initiatives may vary.
The Media committee is the ‘outward face’ of the working group. They are generally in need of specific skill sets such as video editing, graphic design, professional social media management, and working with press.
The Data & Research committee develops our tech infrastructure and handles certain specialized tasks such as bill research, tracking political donations and data analysis. They also review membership participation with onboarding and help to gather data needed for election eligibility, etc.
The Lobbying committee is our newest committee and is in charge of lobbying, legislative strategy and coalition partner outreach. Their structure is not finalized and they will begin meeting after our upcoming election.